Walking With the Moon
While I consider myself a generally solar person (Sun, Mercury, Mars in Leo in the 5th house, plus Aries ascendant) I find myself particularly and practically drawn to the lunar rhythm in my life.
I think following its rhythm tempers my impulsive, fiery vibe, and quells what would otherwise turn into frustration and impatience. It helps me make decisions by giving my human side a way to say “hey, it’s okay not to get that done right now,” or “ooh! Let’s wait and do it tomorrow when there’s more lunar oomph!”
While the phases of the solar year are pretty blatant and easy to follow, with sweeping atmospheric changes between solstices, major holidays marking many points on the wheel, and a 12 month calendar following its tempo like a drum major in a marching band, the moon’s phases are felt on a more subtle plane. Her rhythm is more like a heartbeat, more intimate and emotional.
If you’re someone who notices that you’re sensitive to lunar energy, you may have experienced sleeplessness with the full moon, or get excited to see what a new moon will bring into play. You might be especially charged up around eclipses - or maybe overwhelmed and jangled with them.
My husband and I tend to have disrupted sleep patterns at both the new and full moons. Go figure…
Bottom line is, it’s the closest celestial body to our planet, and it’s usually the one that affects us most empirically. Look at the tides! We’re 97% water, right? The moon is going to have an effect on you, whether you believe in astrology or not.
I have a pharmacist friend who always dreaded working the counter during a full moon for that very reason. It’s pretty across-the-board in terms of its pull on us.
Which is why I find a lot of natural flow in following its stages as I make plans. I can always adjust if I’m guided to do things differently when the time comes, but it helps to have a thumbnail sketch for the energies of the time.
Of course there’s more than just the new and full points on the trajectory to look at when you’re following the lunar rhythm. There are a number of stages to consider as she waxes and wanes.
New Moon. This is where the new energy begins. It’s a good time to start ruminating and planning for action. I also like to see what sign the moon is in and other astro relating to this lunar cycle (Check out Vanessa Couto for some great monthly lunar astrology.) I mostly stay in noticing mode for the first few days of a lunar cycle to see what themes are at play. I pay attention to my dreams.
First Quarter. Here is where action is called for on whatever has arisen during the past few days. If I’m planning a launch, or need to submit a proposal or send an important email to start the ball rolling, this is a good time to take the actual action.
Full Moon. I include a couple of days before and after on this one. This is often the culmination of our first quarter action. Here we start to see what’s really unfolding, and start to ascertain what our response will be. If I want some sling-shot action and didn’t make the first quarter I’ll often go for it a day or two before the full moon.
Third Quarter. This is a great time for response action based on what’s come up during the full moon. Often it’s a response or follow-up to what I put forward at the first quarter.
The final week of the cycle is clean-up time. Tying up loose ends and percolating on what the work of the next cycle wants to be.
Balsamic Phase. Yes, like the vinegar. Last two-ish days of the lunar cycle. Rest, restore. Don’t push anything. Often if I’m working on a project the energy just won’t come, even if I want it to. I check the calendar and then just let it go, knowing I’ll have the wind in my sails in a few days time. A good time to reflect, take baths, walks in nature. Nourish & nurture. Play and pray.
None of this is without flexibility. The moon herself is symbolically all about fluidity anyway, right? I just find it to be a really natural pulse for me to loosely follow in my life, and it’s never steered me wrong.
The main thing is, the moon is about what you feel like doing, which is why I find it so satisfying to follow her part in the celestial symphony. I know it’s going to resonate with my own state of mind/state of heart, at least to a certain degree. I like flow in my life a lot better than I like swimming upstream.
Anyway. Just something to play with, if you’re inspired to do so.
How about you? Do you have lunar rituals or practices that you love? Please feel free to share in the comments!
And I’d love to have you join me for one (or many!) of my lunar events beginning in 2022 if you’re inclined to mark the tides with me.
Happy lunacy to us all!