Emerging in a New Way

Photo by Chris Zhang on Unsplash

Well here we are, like crocuses in the garden, just starting to peek our heads out above ground.

Many of us have been cocooned, gestating, learning more about who we really are, and who we want to be in the world. Now there's an urge to open the door a crack and explore the world through this new lens.

We've discovered new levels of empowerment within ourselves. Of compassion, of direction, of Knowing. And there's a growing feeling of wanting to try it all out in the world.

Of course, practicing these new attributes and staying centered in Who We Really Are can be precarious to start. We're learning to use new "muscles," and it takes some wobbling in order for our nervous system to catch up with what we're attempting.

And interacting with others is something we may need to relearn. Public health issues aside, many of us have withdrawn in many ways in order to make a big shift, spiritually or emotionally speaking, and when our new way of being is compounded with a period of social semi-seclusion it can be fairly jarring to jump back in again.

We get thrown sometimes, we react, we aren't showing up the way we hoped we'd show up.

It's okay. It really is.

We need to be compassionate with ourselves through this reintegration process. We're learning and growing. Relationships will naturally change as we change. Some will need renegotiation, some will falter and fade. Others will end abruptly. And some will be stronger than ever.

The stars during this time are all about the dance of relationships, so you are certainly not alone in this reharmonizing process.

What's going to be most important is to keep coming back to your center. When you're not there, breathe. Breathe into your heart, breathe into your belly. Feel yourself in your body, call your power back home…

When your buttons are pushed, ask yourself "is this true?" Ask yourself, "is this mine?"

Often I find that I'm wearing a story that belonged to a parent or grandparent like a costume, or I find I'm reenacting a troubling event from my childhood. Usually that awareness alone is enough to allow me to shift out of it and back into Me. If not, I can always comfort the child inside who's hurting and needing to know she's seen and heard and loved and NEVER alone.

And then I can step back into myself fully.

And when I'm back I can start again.

Life is relationship, and all this beautiful evolution we've been doing is so that we can create together out in the world. And to commit to embodying our own souls, living through the heart, and acting from our Knowing Self is why we're here.

We're beginning the process. We're just getting our sea legs. Be kind to yourself, be kind to each other. Take your time, be patient. And come back to yourself, over and over and always, come back to yourself.

We’re creating something that’s never existed before. Something wonderful and powerful and magical. And worth all the time and care we can give it. 

You're worth it. Believe me, you are. So. Worth It. 


Tapping into Spring


Magical Living, Practically