Manifesting Made Easier

There’s a million books out there on manifestation, and I don’t need to reinvent the wheel in that regard. The art of getting what you want through the use of intention is a topic that has sold millions of bestsellers, and I’m not the author of a single one, and that is just fine with me. 

However, I will add my two cents. 

Despite the results many leaders in this realm have experienced, I find there’s one main element  that often shows up in the canon that I disagree with, and that is the hustle part. The idea that there’s all of this efforting to be done in order to get something to happen. 

Let me explain. 

I’ve often heard common manifestation instructions described as follows: State your intention to Source/God/Goddess/Spirit, visualize it in detail, feel yourself having it, then do every possible thing you can think of to make that thing happen, all the while expecting synchronicities and miracles to plant you in the right place at the right time. 

Which can totally work, has worked, does work for plenty of millionaires out there. No argument. 

As I said before, doing “all the things” just feels like hustle to me. Mental. Counter to the very idea of manifesting an intention.

And yet we can’t just set an intention and then meditate our dreams to fruition. You do have to actually do stuff. I just don’t feel like we have to DO EVERYTHING we can think of related to our dream job, dream life, etc. and watch for the signs from a place of wild activity. 

Work smarter, not harder, I say. Quality over quantity is my rule of thumb. 

Instead I suggest making a list of all of the things that seem logically prudent to do for the life/work/situation/whatzit we’re seeking, and a list of “somehows” that Source/God/Universe will have to take care of for us... 

...but then we feel into the items on our side of the to-do list to see which actions resonate. Is it a class to take or a skill to develop? Is it a resumé to write or an app to research? Use some discernment. Plug in the spidey-senses.

Of course, when we don’t have a feeling about it, we still have our list to logically choose from if need be, and we may have to do that from time to time, but there’s no scrambling required. Serendipity and synchronicity will follow even more closely when the actions we take are aligned. 

Daniel Goodenough, founder of The Way of the Heart lists the steps to manifestation as follows:

  1. State your Intention to the Universe/God/Goddess/Spirit/Source/All-That-Is.

  2. Patterns Begin to Emerge.

  3. Things Align in a Certain Way. 

  4. Rightness is felt.

  5. Action is Indicated.

Notice action doesn’t happen until step five?

There will always be work to be done in relation to your intentions. In fact, you have to be taking some kind of action in order for the patterns to emerge, but our effort is undertaken with an ear to the ground, watching for the forces gathering in our favor.

When we are paying attention to the signs and synchronicities that are showing up around us and waiting until the moment is ripe to strike, we’re going to find that we’re spending a lot more time listening and a lot less time shooting in the dark, and we’re going to be a lot more effective and efficient when it is time to put pedal to metal. 

The other element I insist on in my work toward an intended outcome is play. I have to view my efforts as playful, mischievous, inspired. It has to have an element of levity to it or I know I’m not working from my center, I know I’m taking myself too seriously. 

Because I have to be the Me that is enjoying my life if I want the results to equal enjoyment. I have to employ the spirit of magic and mischief if I want to see it in the fruits of my effort. 

After all, that levity and laughter is Who I Really Am, and my holy, divine purpose is to express it in everything I do. To experience the world through that lens, and to create from it. 

And if my brain just won’t let me get to that lighter place, I find it’s better to do bookkeeping or laundry instead. Preferably with the stereo playing some good wiggling music in the background.  

Of course, the deeper secret is, if we can cultivate the mastery of following the energy of that lightness, levity, sacred play, we need never set another intention again, as everything we need or desire will show up for us before we know we need or want it. 

How cool is that?

That’s the world I want to live in. It’s the world I’m working toward - playing toward. It’s the proverbial change I want to see in the world, so I’m going to have to be it first.

And the more of us there are concentrating on our alignment and joy, the more of it will exist in the world, the more we lift the whole dang thing. 

How’s that sound to you? Shall we lift together? On three...

Photo by Karolina Grabowska

Photo by Karolina Grabowska


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